Food. Energy. Health.


ZEST provides online nutrition counseling, protein assessments, and more via HIPAA-compliant video and audio calls. ​
Looking for something more fun? Arrange for a custom nutrition class, grocery tour, or kombucha lesson with your friends.

Need a 2nd pair of eyes on your book, blog, ad, paper, website, or handout?
Proofreading & copy-editing services are available at affordable rates with quick turnaround for other RDNs, healthcare practitioners, and students in related majors.
Contact us about surveying your dining residents/customers, corporate wellness programs, and more.

Looking for a: quote, content,
recipe, or speaker for your next event?
Review ZEST's In the Media page to learn how we can work together.

It is ZEST's mission to provide affordable nutrition guidance on a sliding scale so students and low-income community members can benefit as much as the high wage-earner. Please contact us to work out a plan for your budget.