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Office Policies and Consent

Please read and sign below. 


Consent for Care:

I give permission to the Registered Dietitian to provide nutrition assessments and a nutrition care plan as deemed appropriate based on my particular medical and health care needs.


I understand it is my responsibility to inform my doctor(s) and my dietitian of any adverse side effects or changes to my health or well-being that are related to change(s) in my diet, lifestyle, or physical activity so that immediate attention and adjustments can be made to optimize my overall health.


I understand and am informed that results from treatments may vary and are not guaranteed. In addition, I understand that my compliance with diet recommendations, prescribed exercises and lifestyle modification will increase the effectiveness of my care and enhance or maintain the results.


I understand that I am in no way obligated to purchase the foods, products or run labs recommended by the Registered Dietitian. I am free to purchase products from any source that I may choose.



My signature below gives the staff permission to email and leave messages on my voicemail containing non-protected information such as appointment scheduling.


Cancellation Policy:

I understand it is my responsibility to reschedule or cancel my appointment at least 48 hours in advance. If I do not reschedule or cancel my appointment within the required timeframe and/or do not attend a scheduled appointment, I agree to pay the full amount for the services that were scheduled to be provided. The credit card on file will be charged. If there is no card on file, a bill will be sent to the client’s home requesting payment within 30 days. After 30 days, 3% interest will be charged. If payment is still not made by Day 60, the bill may be sent to a collections agency.


Financial Policy:

ZEST Nutrition is a ‘fee-for-service’ office and is not contracted with any insurance companies. We require payment to be made at the time of service or prior to service. You are 100% responsible for all fees. Payment can be made by check or e-transfer. There is a $35 fee for any returned check. Credit and debit cards are accepted, but have a 3% charge per transaction. Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards and Venmo are accepted with no fee.   


I understand that any expenses incurred with ZEST Nutrition for myself or any of my minor dependents are my responsibility and not that of any other person or insurance group. I understand that payment is due in full at the time of service.


Office Policies & Consent 

Please fill out the following form
in order to participate in nutrition counseling.

Your form has been successfully submitted.

Feel free to call or email us with your questions and ideas on how we can accommodate nutrition support for you. 

Serving Greater Santa Cruz and CA, CO,  AZ, MI, NJ & VA via virtual telehealth appointments


Zest Nutrition logo. Looks like a lime peel stretched out to the letter Z
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